Saturday 21 November 2009

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Terrorism: Why Does Government Help It?

This article looks at the actual intention of terrorist attacks. It also asks why does government seem so eager to help terrorists achieve their goal?

Nobody seriously thinks that a handful of nutcases with high explosives under their anoraks are going to take over and enslave Great Britain, let alone the mighty United States.

After all, if we calculate the amount of high explosives that were dropped, say, on Dresden, during World War Two we get an estimation of the effort required to conquer a nation by force of arms. It would take thousands of suicide bombers to achieve the same result.

Then if we look at the organization, man power, industrial base, corporate might and force of arms that have been required to somewhat precariously take and hold even a small and relatively lightly armed country like Iraq, how much would it take to occupy against its will, the United States?

Osama Bin Laden - where is he by the way? - and his ragtag army of drugged-up psychopaths are not going to "take over" or conquer the West , nor bring it to its knees by exploding a bomb or bringing down a civilian aircraft once every few years, tragic and distressing though those incidences may be.

It will take a lot more force than that. We are not going to be invaded, forced against our will to accept Islam or anything else. This would not be on the cards even if the vast majority of Moslems were even the slightest bit interested in enslaving us or murdering us in our beds, which they are not: they have better things to do with their lives.

If the West is in any danger at all of being brought down, then I can point to criminal groups who have killed and tortured a lot more of us and done a whole lot more damage to our culture than Osama Bin Laden and his henchmen – and who are now bringing about the demise of more of our soldiers too!

These groups are psychiatry and the giant corporations that manufacture drugs and work so hard to persuade us to use them (you knew I was going to say that didn’t you? Ah, you know me so well!). If you do not believe me, then dig in and check out the data on the history and contemporary operations of the psycho-pharmacy and its hoaxucopia. Look over its effects not only in drugging the population of the planet into zombie-ism but on the creation of crime, destruction of spirituality and our stultification via the destruction of education.

Those like Osama, hell bent on destroying the West, must be green with envy at the results achieved by the psycho-pharmacy. Indeed, I don’t know why he even bothers: he can just sit back and let the psycho-pharmacy do all the work for him, then move in and do whatever it is in his mad brain he desires to do with the shattered remnants – if indeed he has even thought it through that far.

Perhaps it is no coincidence that right up close to Bin Laden we find a key advisor who is a psychiatrist and psychiatric medications being used to get his suicide bombers and other operatives in the right frame of mind, just as is now being done to the troops on our side.

But I digress. The main point of this article was to establish just what is the purpose of terrorist attacks. What are the terrorist masterminds trying to do?

The point of terrorist attacks is….. well, to terrify. They are a strategy of the militarily weaker against the militarily stronger that is designed to provoke the government of the stronger into a panic reaction that will see it "tighten security" by essentially acting against its own citizenry to constrict their freedoms, cut their lines of communications, restrict their movements, reduce their liberties, suspend habeas corpus and the proper justice that protects them, introduce arbitrary arrest, start torturing, shoot first and ask questions later and so forth. In short, the idea is to provoke an enemy government into suspending or even trampling upon the very laws and traditions that earn the loyalty of its populace.

Of course, this strategy, to work, relies in large measure on the presence in the enemy government of men dumb enough or criminal enough to react to a terrorist attack by - with ominous alacrity - constricting freedoms, suspending justice, introducing arbitrary arrest, torturing, etc., etc.

It relies too upon the citizenry being frightened enough to go along with the steps taken by government to reduce their liberties and it is a great boon to the terrorist efforts when they have organizations in the target country willing to fan the flames of that terror and spread it quickly. This is the role performed wittingly or unwittingly by the media.

But what happens then is that little by little the citizenry become dis-enamored of their own government: the wrong guy gets arrested; people no longer feel safe to speak their mind or openly debate an issue; scary laws that run contrary to mores and customs are rushed through Congress; the citizenry find themselves a party to torture and other crimes; protections against the arbitrariness and blind stupidity of that unthinking machine called government begin to disappear.

Each goof, excess or injustice is another nail in the coffin of the civilization in so far as one of its keystones is the relationship between people and their government. In the eyes of the populace, the government begins, increment by increment, to appear less benign and more dangerous. The environment becomes less safe and while terrorist attacks are occasional and specific, the threat from government is pervasive.

The best way for a government, for example, that claims to be crusading for democracy to protect democracy is to actually uphold it. If that government ceases to practice it, it ceases to exist and then people begin to perceive they are fighting to protect something they have already lost.

Terrorism is designed to provoke a government into abandoning democracy. The best way for our governments to protect democracy and defeat terrorism is to practice it, and increase it, not diminish it.

Yet western governments have acted to diminish their democracies and we risk going the same way as ancient Rome. In the end her people took no pride in her and would not fight for her: there had been just too many injustices and betrayals. Then she fell, essentially to armies of refugees who had been driven west by more virile peoples further east.

None of this is rocket science. This strategy is well known. It is not a big secret. Therefore even government and its strategists and agents must know it.

Yet government is doing the very things it knows the terrorists desire! It aids and abets terrorism by its actions and hands them victory; we see it daily now in the actions of government and the increasing disquiet of its citizens.


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